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    IATSE Wardrobe Local 887

    5030 1st Avenue South #204

    Seattle WA 98134

    IATSE District 1
    IATSE International
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  • Frequently Asked Questions
    What is IATSE?

    IATSE (International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees) is the international union that Local 887 is affiliated with. They represent workers in the theatre, film and TV industries, among others. In our area, in addition to Local 887, Local 15 represents stagehands, and Local 488 represents film work as well as theatrical hair and makeup.

    Do I need to be a member of the Union to work at venues represented by Local 887?

    No, but we do require that everyone register with us by filling out a Roster Information form and signing a Worker Agreement before starting work.

    When do I need to become a member?

    Union contracts with most employers include what is known as a Union Security Clause. Any employee who works for an employer for the number of hours listed in the Contract's Union Security Clause will be asked to apply for membership to continue working. The hour threshold varies from venue to venue. It is usually around 750 hours. (A person may apply for membership at earlier.) The membership filing fee and application fee cost $385. A member has the right to participate in Union governance.

    How do I get costume shop work?

    More information here.

    How do I get Wardrobe (dressing) work? What is dispatched work?

    More information here.

    How much will I be paid? Do I get benefits?

    Each venue has its own pay scale. A copy of the pay rates is available upon request from our office. Venues generally pay every two weeks. In addition to wages, each employer (except the Mt. Baker) contributes an agreed upon percentage to health insurance and retirement plans on your behalf.

    How do I qualify for Health Insurance?

    In addition to your hourly wage Employer’s contribute a negotiated amount, generally around 11%, to the IATSE National Health and Welfare Fund in your name. Your account is referred to as a CAPP (contributions available for premium payments) account. You may find out the balance in your account by monitoring your account online at iatsenbf.org

    Your right to enroll in the health insurance plan offered by IATSE National Benefit funds will begin when your CAPP account reaches the cost of one month of the plan plus a yearly $150 administrative fee. There is no time limit to accumulate this amount. When you reach this amount the National Benefit Funds will send you an information packet. You may choose to enroll by self paying the amount needed to make up one quarter of the cost of the plan.

    If you do not enroll at the time that you first meet the minimum eligibility requirement of one month’s premium, you must wait until your CAPP account balance reaches the cost of one quarter of the plan (as of January 2019 this is about $1500 for the lowest plan), plus the $150 administrative fee. You will be sent enrollment information. You will be offered a choice to either buy insurance from IATSE or if you have proof that you have health insurance coverage from another approved source, use the account as a Medical Reimbursement Program for premiums and co-pays. You may not waive coverage at this time. If you do not make a coverage selection, you will automatically be enrolled in the IATSE health insurance program through Empire Blue Shield and the premium deducted from your account. Read the material sent to you. The National Benefit Funds have an excellent website with the most current information, iatsenbf.org. Local 887 only participates in the Health Plan portion of the funds.

    Who do the IATSE National Benefit Funds contract with to provide coverage?

    Dental, vision, and general health coverage are serviced by different providers. You will be sent coverage information.

    Where do the retirement contributions go? Can I contribute more? How do I manage my 401(k) account?

    Local 887 participates in the Western Employee Benefit Trust (WEB Trust). Participating employer’s send your retirement contribution (this is in addition to your wage) to WEB Trust in your name. The plan also allows for employees to make additional voluntary pre-tax wage deferrals. This means that you can elect to have employers deduct a percentage of your wages to be sent to the 401(k) account in addition to the employer contribution. You will need to fill out the appropriate paperwork to set this up. They can be reached at 206-282-3205 or 800-524-4852. Manage your account on line at https://bac.retirement.schwabrt.com

    You will receive a quarterly statement in the mail from WEB Trust regarding contributions to your account and gains or losses in earnings. You may manage your account and allocate your funds into one or more of several portfolio options. (Manage your account on line at https://bac.retirement.schwabrt.com) For those who do not fill out a form to direct their contributions, their investments will be automatically placed in the First American Money Market Fund.

    More Questions?  Contact Local 887 Business Agent Maggie Carrido Adams: bus.rep@iatse887.org


    Page Last Updated: Dec 03, 2024 (14:30:41)
  • I.A.T.S.E. Local 887

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