Member Resources
Local 887 Resources Western Employee Benefit Trust (401K) Create your online login and select your investment options. If you wish to update your payroll withholding contact them for the form. The contact person is Angel Mach. (206) 576-4811. Financial advice for your funds is available through Scott's Capital Advisers: (503) 487-0860. Your Retirement Benefit Statement is available at Your Benefit Statements will remain online for retrieval or printing. If you have any questions or need assistance, please:
Western Washington Theatrical Training Trust Take advantage of our training resources and continue furthering your knowledge and skills. Where am I working today? Venue map courtesy of Local 15 National Resources & Benefits I.A.T.S.E. (International) National Benefit Funds (health insurance) Extended Labor Family Washington State Labor Council Labor ResourcesUnemployment Law Project (help with unemployment hearings)Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies WA Labor Education & Research Center Labor Archives of Washington State
Page Last Updated: Sep 21, 2022 (15:33:28)